Solicitor Agreement Sample

If you`re looking for a solicitor to represent you in legal matters, it`s essential that you have a solicitor agreement in place. A solicitor agreement is a contractual document that outlines the terms and conditions of your relationship with the solicitor. It establishes the roles and responsibilities of both parties and outlines the fees and expenses associated with the legal services provided.

To help you get started on creating a solicitor agreement, we`ve put together a sample agreement that you can use as a starting point. Remember that this is just a sample and may not be appropriate for every circumstance. It`s always best to consult with a solicitor or legal expert to ensure that your agreement is tailored to your specific needs.

Sample Solicitor Agreement

This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on [insert date] by and between [insert name of client] (“Client”) and [insert name of solicitor or law firm] (“Solicitor”).

Scope of Representation

The Solicitor agrees to represent the Client in the following legal matter(s): [insert details about the legal matter(s) to be handled by the Solicitor].

Responsibilities of Solicitor

The Solicitor agrees to diligently and professionally perform all legal services necessary to achieve the objectives of the representation. The Solicitor further agrees to keep the Client informed of all developments related to the matter and provide regular updates as requested by the Client.

Responsibilities of Client

The Client agrees to provide timely and accurate information to the Solicitor pertaining to the legal matter(s) being handled. The Client further agrees to cooperate fully with the Solicitor in the handling of the matter(s) and to promptly respond to all requests for information or assistance.

Fees and Expenses

The Client agrees to pay the Solicitor for all legal services provided in connection with the matter(s) handled by the Solicitor. The fees for such services shall be as follows: [insert details about the fee structure, including hourly rates or flat fees, and any other applicable charges or expenses].

Termination of Agreement

Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the Solicitor shall promptly provide the Client with all documents and materials related to the matter(s) being handled.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert governing jurisdiction]. Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules and procedures of [insert name of arbitration organization].

By signing below, the Client and Solicitor agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

[Insert signature lines for Client and Solicitor]


A solicitor agreement is an important document that protects both the Client and Solicitor in a legal matter. By carefully outlining the scope of representation, responsibilities of each party, fees and expenses, and termination provisions, you can ensure that your relationship with your solicitor is clear and transparent. Use the sample agreement provided as a starting point, but be sure to consult with a legal expert for guidance on how to tailor the agreement to your specific needs.