Safe Restart Agreement Ontario Newsroom

The Ontario government recently announced that it has signed a Safe Restart Agreement with the federal government of Canada, which will provide much-needed funding to support the restart of the province`s economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The agreement, which was signed on July 16th, 2020, will provide $7 billion in funding to Ontario over the next six months. This funding will be allocated to a variety of initiatives aimed at supporting businesses, healthcare, and other critical services.

The Safe Restart Agreement is an important step in Ontario`s efforts to safely reopen its economy and society. As part of the agreement, the federal government has committed to providing funding for COVID-19 testing and contact tracing, as well as support for vulnerable populations, including seniors and those experiencing homelessness.

In addition to this funding, the agreement also includes measures to support the reopening of schools and childcare facilities, as well as funding for municipalities to help them address the financial impacts of the pandemic.

Overall, the Safe Restart Agreement is an important step in Ontario`s efforts to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing much-needed funding and support for critical initiatives, the province will be better equipped to safely restart its economy and get people back to work. As we continue to navigate this challenging time, it is important that we work together to support one another and keep our communities safe and healthy.