Save as Expressly Set Out in This Agreement

Save as expressly set out in this agreement – what does it mean?

If you have ever read through a legal contract or agreement, you may have come across the phrase “save as expressly set out in this agreement.” This clause is often included in contracts to limit or exclude certain rights or obligations that are not explicitly stated in the agreement.

But what exactly does it mean? Essentially, it means that any rights or obligations not specifically outlined in the agreement are not applicable. This is done to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings between the parties involved.

For example, if an employment contract states that the employee is entitled to two weeks of vacation time per year, and the phrase “save as expressly set out in this agreement” is included, it means that the employee is not entitled to any additional vacation time unless it is specifically stated in the agreement.

Similarly, if a contract between two businesses specifies that one party is responsible for providing certain goods or services, but includes the “save as expressly set out in this agreement” clause, it means that the party is not obligated to provide any additional goods or services unless it is explicitly stated in the agreement.

It is important to note that this clause should only be used to limit or exclude certain rights or obligations that are not specifically outlined in the agreement. It should not be used to circumvent any laws or regulations, and it should not be used to deceive or mislead the other party.

In addition, it is crucial that all parties involved thoroughly review and understand the agreement before signing it. If there are any discrepancies or misunderstandings, they should be addressed and resolved before the agreement is finalized.

In conclusion, the phrase “save as expressly set out in this agreement” is a common clause used in legal contracts and agreements to limit or exclude certain rights or obligations that are not specifically outlined in the agreement. It is important to use this clause responsibly and transparently, and to ensure that all parties involved thoroughly understand all the terms and conditions of the agreement.