Vahpa Agreement

If you are a VAHPA member, you can view your company agreement by registering on the member portal. Please contact VAHPA on 1300 322 917 or if you have any questions regarding your agreement. The IO (Organization) is required to participate in the development and implementation of vahpa industrial campaigns, including the adoption of a leading role in negotiations on company agreements, the management of legal, technical and representative aspects of collective disputes and the guarantee of support and authorization of members with regard to job changes. Negotiations on the new agreement, which combine the AHP and nurses, concluded in 2016. The Fair Work Commission approved the agreement and entered into force on 13 January 2017. Negotiations have been difficult, as AAPA members are clearly overwhelmed by nurses, making it difficult to get specific questions from the AHP service operator and clients as they receive the attention they deserve. With the nominal expiry of the Agreement on the Community Health Sector more than a year ago, on 30 June 2016, measures to improve the wages and conditions of health professionals in the field of public health and the well-being of the sector as a whole begin. The Community Health Advocacy campaign is implemented in all autonomous municipal health centres that raise not only the issue of wages and conditions of allied health professions, but also the survival of community health as a vital health sector in Victoria according to egalitarian principles. ASU has always held the position that this agreement improves almost all aspects of the current agreement. A petition of majority support was concluded and submitted to the Fair Labour Commission, after which the government negotiations were accepted. Our first meeting is on Friday, August 4 and members meet regularly to refine their damage reports.

Two delegates participated in a VAHPA training and it is fair to say that we are all very interested in postponing this training session! Negotiations on the new agreement will continue until July. Merri Health is one of 29 such centres in Victoria. They offer a wide range of health services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and mental health programs. For two long years, members of the Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA) have been fighting for a new company agreement. BreastScreen Victoria has proposed a number of changes to the proposed company agreement, some positive, many negative. They also accepted a few VAHPA applications, but not most of them. They have recently put on the table a salary offer, although this unfortunately provides for salary increases of less than 2% per year. After long and lengthy negotiations in which members voted on the initial agreement before Christmas, a revised agreement was approved by members, providing for the introduction of Phase 2 of the 5th year and a clause for reimbursement of public holidays in the future and annual wage increases of 3%.