The client will only use staff service (and related services) and member information to recruit people who will become collaborators and advisors to the client or related companies, or, if the client acts as a human resources agency or BPO, only to recruit people who will become employees and advisors to his clients. A “staff agency,” a client who uses the services to recruit on behalf of a third party using the client`s name and/or logos, including recruitment agencies, executive research companies and direct renters. “BPO” refers to an operating process management client who, on behalf of a client, recruits the client`s name and/or logo, including, but not limited to, relocations of recruitment processes, managed service providers and clinical research management officers. The customer will notify LinkedIn of its recruitment agency or BPO classification before purchasing the staff service with a client, and the agency will immediately notify LinkedIn of any changes to the classification. The acquisition of human resources agencies for staff representative bodies is subject to the master`s subscription contract between LinkedIn and Staffing Agency. BPO purchases of recruiter seats are subject to the master subscription contract between LinkedIn and the BPO customer. The breach of this section by the customer is considered a substantial violation of the agreement. 7.1.3. When the Glint Perform module is purchased, it is an agile performance management solution that creates a virtuous ecosystem of feedback, coaching and growth.
It consists of 3 key elements – goals, conversations and feedback – as well as analysis, reporting and integration with Glint Engage. Goals allow users to focus on the right priorities and get guidance and feedback on their goals – up, down and across the company. With Conversations, managers can regularly conduct planned and ad hoc check-ins with their employees in order to have two-way discussions about their performance, commitment and growth. Feedback (future module) allows employees to request and obtain the return of the people they work with. Integrated reporting and analytics track usage and acceptance, as well as insight into goals, conversations and feedback across the company. 7.1.1. The “slide platform” contains: (i) processed, displayed and available real-time results for analysis; (ii) management dashboards in which each manager who meets the minimum trust threshold receives a link to a dashboard and corresponding action plans; (iv) Single Sign-On (SSO) with supported methods (including standard SAML 2.0 integrations) to enable a set of login information across multiple platforms (v) Comment analysis with natural Language Processing (NLP) specially trained in staff feedback and automatically extracts the most discussed topics/themes, staff mood and prescriptive/constructive real-time (vi) comments of integrated action plans, generated automatically on the following results for each manager. , including concrete measures and a prefabricated resource library consisting of an organizational development team glint, vii) Glints taxonomy has more than 100 research-related questions in all key areas of organizational development and staff touring, which can be drawn to meet the individual needs of each organization, (viii) Language translations for questions and communications in more than 50 languages for standard questions and communication models, ix) smart alerts that automatically pass all survey results based on different demographics and highlight important results such as breakaway populations with low scores, high scores or significant changes in score , and (x) communication models within company`s reach and ad hoc communication before, during and after the investigation.