All information or materials disclosed by ibm are considered non-confidential and IBM may use and provide you with information and materials without notice or compensation. This confidentiality agreement (“agreement”) protects confidential information (“information”) provided by the International Business Machines Corporation or its associated companies (“IBM”) in a community or other component on IBM Design (“Site”). By accessing and using the website, you agree that the following conditions will apply when IBM discloses information (“recipient”) to you in a community or other component. This agreement does not require IBM to disclose information. The beneficiary may not transfer or transfer his rights to IBM without prior written consent, or delegate his obligations or obligations under this contract. Only a written agreement signed by us can amend this agreement. Each of us can terminate this contract by notifying one month in writing to the other. All provisions of this Agreement, which are by their nature beyond termination, remain in effect until they are applied and apply to our respective successors and authorized beneficiaries of the transfer. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York.
Each party agrees to waive its rights to a jury trial. This agreement and the terms of use of the site are the complete and exclusive agreement of our disclosure of information on the site. Neither this agreement nor the disclosure of information under this agreement grants the recipient a right or license in connection with a trademark, copyright or patent that is now or later in IBM`s possession or control. IBM ONLY PROVIDES INFORMATION ON THE BASIS OF “AS IS.” Five (5) years after the publication date, the recipient: (i) will use the same care and discretionary use to avoid disclosure of IBM`s information, as the recipient uses his or her own similar information that he or she does not wish to disclose; and (ii) to use IBM`s information only for the benefit of IBM. The recipient may pass information on to: (i) its employees and employees of its parent and majority companies, who have a need to find out; and (ii) any other party with IBM`s prior written consent. Before informing any of the parties mentioned above, the recipient must have an appropriate agreement with that party, which is sufficient to require that party to process the information in accordance with this agreement. The recipient may disclose information to the extent prescribed by law, but must provide reasonable notice to IBM to obtain a protection decision.