School Rules And Regulations Agreement With The Parents

CONSIDERING that the Company School is committed to providing all its students with quality training, in accordance with its declaration of mission and value, as stated in the inscription of October 7, 1997 to the creation and operation of a business school (all documents submitted to the borough as part of the management of the business school are collectively referred to as “demand” since this concept is defined in the contract between district and BIEMS, Inc). 4. Students and parents acknowledge that they have received copies of the business school and that all corporate school policies and procedures have been read, including the Honor Code, academic and conduct guidelines, discipline policy, grading policy and uniform policy. CONSIDERING that the student voluntarily chooses to go to the business school instead of the neighbourhood college awarded by the student, has verified the company`s statements of mission and value, believes that he/she would benefit from attending the Business School and is determined to do his best to achieve excellence in education; 2. The student agrees to make his best efforts to obtain quality training from the business school. The student is committed to complying with the guidelines, rules and regulations that have been adopted for the school and which can be adopted for the school. The student agrees to collaborate with the administrators, teachers and classmates of the business school. The student recognizes and agrees that he or she is an important part of the educational process of the Business School and it is the student`s responsibility to make the best efforts to learn and promote a positive educational environment for all students. The student also recognizes that students must be prepared to participate at all times in the Educational Offerings of the Business School in order to promote a positive educational environment. CONSIDERING that the business school is a Von BIEMS, INC. under a contract with the Oklahoma City Public School District (district), the business school is managed in accordance with the District`s corporate policy; This agreement is entered into by and between Belle Isle Enterprise Middle School (“Enterprise School”), Belle Isle Enterprise Middle School, Inc., a non-profit organization in Oklahoma (“BIEMS, Inc.”) and the signed student (“student”) and his parents or legal guardians (“parents” or “parents”) for the 2007-2008 school year. 3.

Parents agree to participate in student training with help and time, including response to communications by letter or telephone from Enterprise School. Parents agree to comply with guidelines, rules and regulations that can be adopted and adopted for the school. 1. The Company School is committed to giving students the opportunity to obtain excellent college training on the basis of the principles set out in their mission and value statements. Enterprise School will use its best efforts through its administrators, teachers and assistants to help students pursue and achieve academic excellence. 5. After receiving the voluntary payment of $10.00 for the 2007-08 annual figures from BIEMS, Inc. parents are listed as members of BIEMS, Inc.