The effective description of an advance rate agreement (FRA) is a cash derivative contract with a difference between two parties, which is valued with an interest rate index. This index is usually an interbank interest rate (IBOR) with a specific tone in different currencies, such as libor. B in USD, GBP, EURIBOR in EUR or STIBOR in SEK. An FRA between two counterparties requires a complete fixing of a fixed interest rate, a nominal amount, a selected interest rate indexation and a date. [1] FSOs are not loans and are not agreements to lend an amount to another party on an unsecured basis at a forward-agreed interest rate. Their nature as an IRD product produces only the effect of leverage and the ability to speculate or secure interests. The FRA determines the rates to be used at the same time as the termination date and face value. FSOs are billed on the basis of the net difference between the contract interest rate and the market variable rate, the so-called reference rate, liquid severance pay. The nominal amount is not exchanged, but a cash amount based on price differences and the face value of the contract. [3×9 dollars – 3.25/3.50%p.a ] means that interest rates on deposits from 3 months are 3.25% for 6 months and that the interest rate from 3 months is 3.50% for 6 months (see also the spread of the refund application). The entry of an “FRA payer” means paying the fixed rate (3.50% per year) and obtaining a fluctuating rate of 6 months, while the entry of an “R.C. beneficiary” means paying the same variable rate and obtaining a fixed rate (3.25% per year). Forward Rate Agreements (FRA) are over-the-counter contracts between parties that determine the interest rate payable at an agreed date in the future.
An FRA is an agreement to exchange an interest rate bond on a fictitious amount. A futures contract is different from a futures contract. A foreign exchange date is a binding contract on the foreign exchange market that blocks the exchange rate for the purchase or sale of a currency at a future date. A currency program is a hedging instrument that does not include advance. The other great advantage of a monetary maturity is that it can be adapted to a certain amount and delivery time, unlike standardized futures contracts. The money for differential value on an FRA exchanged between the two parties, calculated from the perspective of the sale of an FRA (imitating the obtaining of the fixed interest rate) is calculated as follows:[1] N`displaystyle is the fictitious part of the contract, r`displaystyle R` fixed set, r`displaystyle r` is the published -IBOR and `Displaystyle` set of the decimal fraction of number of days above which is the value of the start and end date of the set -IBOR.